Tim O'reilly is defining the 2.0 Web this creating of applications which are using the effect of the network to act all the better for them more persons is using them. The 2.0 Web is the most important feature of the business economy of the scale. Business a 2.0 Web is a possibility of offering the same service to customers which are online.

In the business the 2.0 Web doesn't walk at all for the technology which is with the tool like a lot other, but for new communications possibilities. Possibilities in communications of persons which don't know themselves, are located in many, different places can together cooperate, creating the new value. Value, for which they wouldn't be able to generate alone or in teams, with which, are usually working in their locations.

You must know that the Web is changing everything: manner of the work, products, way of communicating, marketing evaluating products financial flows, business models. It is essential, that in order to implement the 2.0 Web you must not have technical competence, you don't need nothing to know about the technology. You not have to work in the industry of new technologies, startupie. It, what you need these are a little imagination and the openness to desire for the change of what is already to the 2.0 Web.

Users are creating the value

Users are ruling. It is they influence on be or not to be of companies. Users have also a remarkable potential, possibilities resulting from their amount. It is only exactly a number of users connected with even very small operations few from them a 2.0 Web causes power and limitless possibilities.

Users which aren't creating contents also have their value. By examining individual fasts, video, other materials to the mass scale they are showing their power and possibilities for advertisers.

Confidence, source of creating the community

Without the confidence a 2.0 Web doesn't exist. what causes that users want to share own plots, www website traffic, fasts, comments and generally speaking trusting is it presence. Users must consider themselves safely on the side to be www. Rules which are described on the web page, and generally in the Internet, must be warned. Otherwise so quickly as the web page she gained popularity, will lose her. What's interesting, through action a 2.0 Web will also lose her, this time directed against her.

Dugi tail

Wanting to gain the benefit from acting in the business you should focus the 2.0 Web on the long tail. Long tail it, that's all what is rare, hard to reach, is involving less numerous, less popular. But long tail it is also simpler to develop niches, business possibilities, which once filled can become yours with domain, to create your uniqueness.

For many companies which applied the 2.0 Web, it is exactly a long tail he is the source of the biggest income and above average profits, I can here exchange even if Netflix. Uniqueness of the offer, in the days of the access to everything can be a part of the profitable business model.

, From the other side, the target group in the form of the long tail is also an interesting idea to the business model. You not have to fight over everyone, will be enough, that you will be a chief supplier of services, of goods for profitable for you of niche of customers. niche which you will develop, niche which is too short, so that every big competitor wants to fight over it.

You must answer oneself question, or better be small with fish in big water, whether to have an own pond?

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Beata, coach. My one day with Severso,

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