Severso is a reply for the purposes of customers.
Having a lot of years of experiencing web pages in creating web applications and the positioning, customers asked us repeatedly about the possibility of obtaining more information about guests visiting their web pages. Customers expected information given in the more transparent way than he offers to Google Analytics.
Customers expected the application which will let them elaborate web pages in areas which are generating a large number for the straight leadów, large number of potential customers. We have great experience in creating web applications.
Severso it actually very large amounts of data with which every day we provide customers in the friendly form. Severso is an application from the area of Creases Date.
We are using customer journey and UX so that information about guests of your web page is for you like the most legible and intelligible. We are using algorithms which enable collecting and the presentation of data.
Severso was designed this way so that the increasing number of customers could be waited on by the dispersed circle of located servers at different places.
Severso Clients