Lead, it alone, what potential customer.

Date lead he derives from English and was becoming increasingly common along with implementing CRM systems. Date lead was applied particularly in the area of the B2B sale in order explicitly to distinguish the potential customer which is in a funnel of sale from the customer, i.e. the company, which already effected the order.

Lead differs in nothing from the phrase potential customer, is simply shorter.

In the area of marketing lead we are identifying is with the subscriber of newsletter, blog, RSS feed, with person keeping up with functionings of the company in area social media or with somebody who registered, in order to try the temporal version out of the application.

Usually lead there is marketing redirected from marketing for the sale by such activities like e.g. automation, telephone conversation, filling in a questionnaire. Generating leadów, possibilities is sale with most important, measurable effect of action of B2B marketing.

Benefits of using Severso
Severso shows in detail, what Google Analytics statistical

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Knowledge which marketing action is generating large number of the visit of the web page. Use information about sale possibilities to increase the conversion.

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Monitor Customer Journey on your web page

Acquire the knowledge, which your competition doesn't have. Learn what first interested the customer on your web page. What other products from your offer he watched. Which information he focussed the greater attention on.

Beata, coach. My one day with Severso,

See how she uses Severso

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I think 'can be interested in training soft abilities in area for managers of the higher level. I must get dipper knowledge during the phone conversation.

I am making phone, this way, my speculations in the 100% came true. He is just searching for the training of soft abilities for higher level managers.


I am beginning the coaching session. I am switching off the phone


I finished the meeting. I am switching on the phone.

I have one not-collected connection at 11.28.


I am back at home. I am checking Severso. The guest began the visit on my web page at 12.13. He looked at 5 different subpages during 23 consecutive minutes. He began with the article ‘How to manage the professional change’. He also looked at articles from the folder ‘how to find a job after corpo’ and ‘women after 40’ies on the job market’. About the 12.23 guest was on the subpage contact.

I think 'during the telephone conversation I will ask a few detailed questions from area professional change, how to be found on the labour market after corpo.

I am making the phone call, I am listening to the woman, of her long story about shining a light oneself for the work for the big, international company and for fired notice received a day earlier.

I think 'in order to, of what I learnt from this woman, I described in my articles which she read. Perfectly I described the coincidence for her, not knowing for her '.


I am working on the computer. Next phone that day from the woman. He is asking questions for the coaching session concerning professional burning down. I am answering the phone, simultaneously I am checking in the real time, who is on my web page? There are two persons, but one of them only saw the bookmark 'contact'.

I think 'so that she must be'.

Through I am checking 10 next minutes in Severso what searched for. Into the search engine a "realization of purposes" wrote down, "motivation", "how to recover motivation". She read also an article on professional burning down and second, about the change of the work.

He is directing the conversation towards motivation, realization of targets, priorities. Having a knowledge in Severso about texts, which she searched on the web side, I am asking additional detailed questions. Simultaneously I am telling about my rich experience in this field.


I am finishing work. I am checking Severso. Two persons downloaded e-book 'Professional Change. The challenge or the chance. '

I am looking at Severso, checking out the group of people who reading article about overcoming the shyness. I know that I should prepare such a training!


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Severso Pricing

  • 3 300
  • 7,99€
    Monthly payment Euro net
  • 79,90€
    Yearly payment Euro net
  • < 3300
    Number of monitored visits the web page [monthly]
  • 60
    Days of historical date
  • 100
    Number of monitored web pages
  • No
    Phone support
  • Try for free for 14 days
  • 11 000
  • 18,99€
    Monthly payment Euro net
  • 189,90€
    Yearly payment Euro net
  • < 11 000
    Number of monitored visits the web page [monthly]
  • 90
    Days of historical date
  • 100
    Number of monitored web pages
  • No
    Phone support
  • Try for free for 14 days
  • 111 000
  • 199,99€
    Monthly payment Euro net
  • 1999,00€
    Yearly payment Euro net
  • < 111 000
    Number of monitored visits the web page [monthly]
  • 90
    Days of historical date
  • 1000
    Number of monitored web pages
  • Yes
    Phone support
  • Try for free for 14 days

All the prices showed above does of not include VAT tax


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ComminT Sp. z o.o.
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