You can use all analytical functions. In the free trial period you can use the unabridged version Severso completely free of charge.
Before the end of the free trial period you will receive a few days email reminding of the approaching date of his end.
If you think, the too effective tool for acquiring the bigger knowledge to the subject is having Severso staying on your web page. Order the paid version. For us very much nicely he will be able to provide services for you.
You are establishing the test account for a period of 14 days.
To the address given by you a link will send the Severso email to confirm accounts.
In order to activate the account you must click on him. The link will redirect you to the Severso web page. In this way you are activating your account in Severso.
Log into your panel of the user on
In your account you will find the Severso code.
You must put the Severso code on your web page which you want to monitor.
Write changes in the administrative panel of their web page.
From that moment on Severso is gathering analytical data from your web page.
Severso Clients